When UK meet China
This is a program where you can study 2/3 of UK degree in China.
Final year in UK universities
This program is the final year of the UK Bachelor degree program.
MBA Top-up in Canada
This program is the final year of UK public university’s Masters of Business Administration (MBA) program in Canada.
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Company that connects universities and programs internationally


We provide both online and offline programs that students can take in multiple campuses


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Sports and social integration

In a multicultural community, sports offer chances for individuals from many backgrounds to bond, show respect for one another, and develop personally. Through fostering inclusivity and a stronger feeling of community, athletics can support social healing and cohesiveness in heterogeneous communiti...

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Why Do We Like Competition?

Humans are inherently competitive, and this trait may be seen in a variety of contexts, including sports, academia, employment, and even personal relationships. The appeal of competition originates from a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors (Csikszentmihalyi, 2024). Plus, c...

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Why do we fall in love?

One of the many things that have poets, scientists, and dreamers endlessly captivated is love. But what is "love" really? Is it just some sort of biological drive or a profound, unexplainable connection? Why we fall in love is a combination of the charm of a fairytale with the rigor of science. It ...

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Impact of Income Inequality on Economic Growth

The unequal distribution of income and resources remains a significant challenge in both developed and developing nations. Metrics such as the decile ratio and the Gini coefficient, derived from the Lorenz curve, illustrate the extent of this disparity. High levels of income inequality can exacerba...

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Why do humans value rules and orders?

Social interactions are governed by customs and conventions that prescribe a range of activities, such as salutations, gratuities, voting, and charitable contributions. By anticipating others' conduct and averting punishment or incoordination, these rules assist in coordinating behavior and, in gen...

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The Effect of Exercise on Brain Development

Brain development and cognitive function Adolescence is a critical developmental period during which the brain undergoes significant structural and functional changes. The prefrontal cortex, in particular, plays a crucial role in coordinating higher-order cognitive functions such as planning, at...

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